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These are the most recent public posts from people on the social web that people on jacobian.org follow.
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Les mostré el anillo para ir al grano antes de que intentara usar Google Translate para explicarles cosas como “en este bar, a las chicas les gustan las chicas, y a los chicos les gustan los chicos”.

Fui anoche a un club queer, y dos chicos argelinos empezaron a platicar conmigo, con mucha dificultad porque sabían hablar árabe, alemán y francés, y yo hablo inglés y español. Terminamos por usar Google Translate.

Más tarde, yo a una chica: “esos dos chicos no saben qué tipo de bar es”
Ella: ??
Yo: “me preguntaron si necesitaba un hombre, y yo estaba como, pero güey, estás en un club gay!”

Sí, los bisexuales existimos, pero…si un chico quiere ligar con una chica…hay mejores lugares.

I can’t make up my mind: I’ve already emptied my twitter account of all content for months. Now, should I close it ?
Pro: that’s one more user in the usercount of the platform. Con: It’s useful to have an account when there’s a newsworthy tweet to read. Some good people are still only there (hopefully not for long).

Continued thread

A part of me wants to write some Supernatural fanfic where the Winchester Boys hit the lore books on Kyubey to try to stop some Magical Girls from hunting down Rowena MacLeod.

Maybe Charlie Bradbury shows up to help but almost gets tempted to make a wish.

Continued thread

// The danger is to the velocity, and it is tech debt.

// The form of the tech debt is an emanation of shell scripts.

// The tech debt is paid only if you substantially
// depend on this workaround.
// This code is best removed and left unused.

Continued thread

// What is here was a dependency for us.
// This is a warning of a breaking change.

// The change is in a particular package
// it is forked
// the fork is here
// and deep in the dependencies.

// The fork is still present, in your time, as it was in ours.

// This comment is a message
// and part of a temporary workaround
// remove it!

// Sending this message was important to us.
// We considered ourselves to be skilled engineers.

// This code is not a best practice
// no highly esteemed deed is committed here
// nothing well factored is here.

Finally getting around to watching Puella Magi Madoka Magica.

Dang, this show gets dark, eh?

The labyrinths almost look like Dave McKean collages from Vertigo comics, though. Wasn't expecting that

I've had 2 years on my bicycle with the Enviolo AutomatIQ self-shifting internal-gear hub, and have a few thoughts!

For those not familiar, the Enviolo hub is internally geared, but is continuously-variable (like the volume knob on a radio, which can be set to anything between "soft" and "loud"... NOT like a normal bicycle with which you can choose one of several gears)

Me earlier this week, stuffing envelopes for our annual "please support mountain rescue" mailout: I wonder how well these even work?

Me just now, receiving a very similar mailer from the Very Large Array: I really should give them money!