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Can anyone recommend a tool to draw pretty-looking Sankey charts (Mac or web-based)? I'm aware of sankeymatic.com/, and it does what I want well enough, but it's clunky.

@jacob fwiw, a friend is the person who wrote and maintains Sankeymatic — I could introduce you or point him to this thread if you have specific suggestions to make the tool better?

jacoBOOian 👻

@genehack I mean, if you think he wants to hear the feedback, I’d be happy to share — but, I mean, it works (I did end up using it), and I don’t want to complain about a free tool that does what it says on the tin. Only if the feedback would be well and truely welcome.

@jacob sure — I’ll point him at this thread and he can decide to engage or not 😀

@genehack @jacob
Yo. 👋 There are about a dozen clunky things I can think of, for sure. :)
Happy to chat, either here or in DMs or email.